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Sunday, 10 September 2017

Cryptovalute ...

Graphic in h4

Graphic in h4

From this year, we will also follow the trends of the criptovalutes, which in the latter period have had a very important importance in the world of investments. In the chart, as you can see, we have the Bitcoin, the criptovalupa par excellence. After this brief momentum, let's see if he can keep these values of value. However, it remains a fact that the last quotation is $ 8,000.

For the occasion we are just putting a new blog specifically for these criptovalutes.
Criptocurrency & Investiments

We recall that Onlysignalstrading is a branch of cdeprofessional ltd, based in London, UK. In the group there are also:

Made Italian Style                       (blog)
The best of made in italy

OnlySignalsTrading                    ( web site)
forex advice

Criptocurrency & Investiments     (blog)
virtual coins and investments

Friday, 8 September 2017

Shortly restart .....

Well back to all ... During this holiday period, for us at OnysignalsTrading, a young company, was a great time to maintain and renew some strategy. we will resume the activities shortly. We remind you that for our service you need to register for free to our partner. Thank you all.